When you set your mind to a goal, it’s amazing what you can accomplish.

When you are determined to get healthy, determined to run that race, determined to save up for that vacation, YOU GET REALLY FOCUSED.

You find the time, you find the money, you find whatever you need and you are willing to cut out the other less-important things. You zero in on what’s important and you decide that the fluff just doesn’t matter anymore.

If you are serious (really serious) about finding extra money to pay off that credit card bill or pay off that couch you bought two years ago or save for that vacation, you may find cutting some of these expenses VERY HELPFUL.

Fair Warning: Discomfort Ahead. Sacrifice May Occur.

  1. Eating Out
  2. Alcohol
  3. Gifts
  4. Concerts, movies, & other entertainment
  5. Home parties & businesses
  6. Cosmetics
  7. Salon (hair or nails)
  8. Hobby expenses
  9. Subscriptions
  10. Extra kid expenses (sports, school fundraisers, etc)

Depending on your spending habits, you can save several hundred dollars extra PER MONTH by cutting these out. Actually I know, from many budget meetings over the years, that these categories can add up to $500-1000 a month. People are always astounded at the “extra” money that can be found because they are used to feeling like there is never enough. It’s awesome to see their faces light when they realize that doing what they want to do with their finances is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE.

Here’s the great thing!

This is temporary. Do what you need to do TODAY in order to get what you want TOMORROW. Anything is possible but it’s certainly not easy. But I believe in you! You can do it!

So give it a try. See what you can save and put that money to good use.

Go ahead! Boss those dollars, mama!

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