Sharing Your Story

One of the wonders of social media for me has been following and connecting with many others who are on their debt-free journey. I have massive respect for them because I know how hard that journey is and how much dedication it takes. Last week one person shared how...

Michelle’s Story

Celebration along the way is key to the journey of becoming debt free. Every accomplished goal should be recognized because it propels us forward towards the next goal. Part of my passion around the topic of personal finance, A.K.A. Bossing Your Dollars, is creating...

4 Barriers To Getting Out Of Debt

Barrier: a structure that hinders movement or action. I often talk with folks who like the idea of being out of debt but there are many barriers to that actually happening for them. Those barriers feel tall as Mount Everest but often they are waist height, requiring...

Top 4 Tax Tips For You

Ah yes it is TAX time! This can be a stressful time for most folks but it doesn’t have to be. Here are my top tax tips to help you get the most out of your hard-earned money. After all, we are the boss of our dollars, right?Take All The Allowances You CanWe talk...