One of the wonders of social media for me has been following and connecting with many others who are on their debt-free journey. I have massive respect for them because I know how hard that journey is and how much dedication it takes.

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Last week one person shared how they feel as though they’re leading a double life because no one in their personal life knows about their debt-free journey. Many others chimed in that they have separate social media accounts and also keep this journey a secret from friends and family.

I was stunned. I couldn’t relate ONE BIT. The first thing we did was to share with family and friends what we were doing and why we were doing it. While some were skeptical of our ambitious goals, many were very supportive and cheered us on along the way. All five years and three months.

To some extent, I do understand why they keep it a secret. Often our debt is what I term “stupid” debt. Out of desperation or just lack of knowledge, we mismanage our finances. And that’s embarrassing, even shameful. When I was in the throes of avoiding creditors’ calls, delaying my student loan payments, and barely scraping by, I kept it all a secret.

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Photo by Kat Jayne on

However, as I shared my story with people, I found release from that shame. I found community with others who understood the weight of debt. I found freedom in sharing my journey and joy in helping others along the way.

I think this applies to any area of our lives that we try to keep hidden because we assume we’re the only ones struggling in that way. Guess what. Not true at all. And shame loses its grip the more you understand that you aren’t alone wherever you are.

So wherever you are in your own journey today, remember to share it with someone. Don’t carry the burden on your own. Let’s walk together on this journey.

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Photo by Helena Lopes on