Forgetting to Read the Directions

Forgetting to Read the Directions

New Pants I bought a pair of workout pants from Target this past weekend. It was an upgrade for me at $25. I wore them to a boot camp class on Monday and kind of liked them. Still they felt funny in how they fit me. As I changed later, I looked at the care tag. (I...

Budgeting for the Holidays

Budgeting for the Holiday Season The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year due to financial pressures. Between the gift-giving, holiday entertaining, and the regular monthly expenses, it all adds up to an expensive time of year! For 2019,...

The Kroger Experiment

If you haven’t yet had a chance to read my guest post on The Money-Saving Mom’s blog, please take a gander here. Switching to Kroger for one month was very outside of my comfort zone but in trying one new thing, it opened me up to other new things....

To Repair or Buy: Our Van Dilemma

If I had to choose how to spend our hard-earned money, repairing a vehicle would be at the very bottom. But that’s the decision we faced last weekend. Our History With Cars When Blake and I got married in 2009, I had a 2001 Chevy Malibu and he had a 2003 Chevy...

My Review of Instacart

Grocery (we-shop-for-you) services have exploded onto the scene in the past year. They’ve been around awhile but more and more people are taking advantage of using a service where you can send in your list and then pick up your order a few hours later. I...

4 Barriers To Getting Out Of Debt

Barrier: a structure that hinders movement or action. I often talk with folks who like the idea of being out of debt but there are many barriers to that actually happening for them. Those barriers feel tall as Mount Everest but often they are waist height, requiring...